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Wow. What a whirl wind the last few months have been. Have you ever had a time when you are planning something important, but life gets a bit more tricky than you expected?

We have had a few months like that. I’ve been planning our first leadership wellness retreat, and everything seemed smooth and then, BAM. Firstly, my lovely but elderly mother-in-law became hospitalised, then she wasn’t able to stay in her own home, and suddenly we were in the process that seemed like a whirlwind.

There is so much that needs to happen during this time. Finding the to right place for, selling her home and clearing out the home, sorting through furniture and, memories and so much more. Not to mention working out the different residential care payment options. It can become quite overwhelming.

Thankfully, we had the help of family and friends who enabled us to get it all done. But what a time. My own mother is also elderly and though still able to do many things herself, is also requiring much more care than before.

And so life changes. And we must change with it. I moved my retreat to a later date, and we are going ahead with it this weekend. It’s going to be amazing, recalibrating, and fun. But our lives have changed. There are new priorities, new challenges to take on, and new ways to see the world.

To be honest, though I’m reasonably flexible, it took me a bit by surprise. BUT, I’m back on deck, seeing new goals and finding a new rhythm and flow in life and work. Maybe the change, even the suddenness of it all, might just have been the wake-up call I needed to get back on track, reset, and move forward.