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For those that don’t know, I’ve been on a healing journey dealing with burnout, trauma, and absolute tiredness. All this while trying to stay on top of learning, my study and maintaining some sense of normality. I’m in a much better space now and ready to move forward.

It’s been a rough ride at times, and though I’m open about my challenges with mental health, it can sometimes seem an endless and thankless journey. To be fair, there have been many supporters along the way, and for those who haven’t understood, I’ve tried my best to explain what it is like. We need more understanding for one another.

The truth is that everyone is dealing with something, large or small. And we all have different approaches to the healing journey. What I have found is that genuine care involves listening, empathy (not sympathy), and the recognition of what is being experienced as real. It’s easy to feel alone and not seen in these situations.

I’m thankful for friends and family who have supported me in the journey, and my hope is that through coaching and retreats, I can support others in their journey.

So here’s to the rest of the year and a new season.